Sunday, October 29, 2006

P.P problem

hey guys,
finally gathered some energy and got on the computer to process an old image i had taken...
on this computer i only have photoshop5,as its an old windows 98 machine.... i usually use dads laptop to process on cs2,
but this time after some selective de-saturation,levels and curves etc the file is only saving as .psd and not as jpg,tried everything possible, maybe i'm missing something...
i tried exporting to .gif and then converting to .jpg well that didn work either as quality sucked...
any idea on how to save it as jpg????


PhotoSam said...

dunno if uve tried it already but anyway, save the file as a .psd...then open it in picasa and export it to another folder as a jpg...

Anonymous said...

Did you change the mode to 8 bit?

shiv said...

yup tried the 8 bit thin,will just try the picasa thing and tell you,
thanks anyways,

Azhar said...

Sam's method should work i.e. saving as psd and let picasa export as Jpg as Picasa reads psds. Sorry man, I'm only experienced with cs2 :P try some forums